Hà Đông
Les meilleurs endroits et entreprises à Hà Đông
Starbucks Avenue des saisons
Bâtiment S4, Seasons Avenue, Co Ngua Area, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 842466680216 la toile: http://www.starbucks.vn/
Viettel Store
District 1A9-3A9-3, Tran Phu, quartier Van Quan, Ha Dong, Hanoï 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 842422180099
175 VND. Phung Hung, Phuc La Ward, Ha Dong, Hanoï 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 841800282830
GoGi Maison Van Phuc
No. 20-21 Shop House street, To Huu, Van Phuc, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 842473008037
Viettel Store
District 1A9-3A9-3, Tran Phu, quartier Van Quan, Ha Dong, Hanoï 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 842422180099
Restaurant KFC
Bâtiment HH01B, Zone urbaine, Thanh Ha, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 84918718386 la toile: https://cuanhomxingfa.biz/
Le restaurant de la promesse
No. 18 Adjacent to 23, Van Khe Urban Area, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 84981040401 la toile: quanhohua.com
Pao Quan Ha Tri - Ha Dong
Carrefour Ha Tri, Ha Cau, Ha Dong, Hanoï 100000, Vietnam. Contact: 84981512838 la toile: paoquan.vn
Maison GoGi
No. 20-21 Shop House street, To Huu, Van Phuc, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: +84 24 7300 8037 la toile: http://gogi.com.vn/
Pico Électronique Supermarché
No. 38 Phung Hung (nouveau, Phuc La Ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi 100000, Vietnam. Contact: +84 1900 6619 la toile: https://pico.vn/